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getting automatic error checking with Win32::OLE and Moose

by glasswalk3r (Friar)
on Jan 15, 2013 at 15:53 UTC ( [id://1013414]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

glasswalk3r has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

UPDATED due bug found by tobyink

Greetings monks,

I'm trying to figure out a way to have automatic error checking when invoking methods from a Win32::OLE object, for example:

my $sa = Win32::OLE->new("SiebelDataServer.ApplicationObject") or die +"failed"; $rcref = Variant(VT_I2|VT_BYREF, 0); $sa->LoadObjects($cfg, $rcref); x("a", $rcref); sub x { my ($tag, $rc) = @_; warn("[$tag] " . $sa->GetLastErrText()) unless $rc == 0) }

This way I will need to call x function every time after calling a Win32::OLE method. This seems to be quite boring.

Instead, I would like to encapsulate the Win32::OLE object inside a Moose object and execute the error checking automatically.

First thought that I had is using the Triggers in a attribute that has a reference to the Win32::OLE::Variant object, but this does not look like it will work because a trigger will be activated only when a writer method is invoked for the attribute or during the object construction.

After that I considered using AROUND_modifiers in a to be defined role, doing it for every method that invokes a Win32::OLE method internally. The AROUND would look like this (I didn't check if this code would work, just an example):

package Automatic:Check; use Moose::Role; around 'load_objects' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; $rcref = Variant(VT_I2|VT_BYREF, 0); return $self->$orig(@_, $rcref); }; package SA::Application; use Moose; use Automatic::Check; has ole => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Win32::OLE', builder => '_build_ole') +; sub _build_ole { return Win32::OLE->new("SiebelDataServer.ApplicationObject" or die + "failed"; } sub load_objects { my $self = shift; my $cfg = shift; die "error" unless ( $rcref == 0 ); $self->ole()->LoadObjects($cfg); } package main; my $cfg = 'somefile.cfg'; my $sa = SA::Application->new(); eval { my $sa->load_objects($cfg); }; if ($@) { die $sa->GetLastErrText(); }

But this does not seems to be lazy enough since I would need to create a new role for each different kind of Win32::OLE classes that I'm using.

Do you monks have any other suggestion that could improve this laziness?

Alceu Rodrigues de Freitas Junior
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life." - Sir Winston Churchill

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: getting automatic error checking with Win32::OLE and Moose
by tobyink (Canon) on Jan 15, 2013 at 16:46 UTC

    Firstly, your around modifier is broken...

    around 'load_objects' => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; $rcref = Variant(VT_I2|VT_BYREF, 0); return $self->$orig(@_, $rcref); die "error" unless ( $rcref == 0 ); };

    The die is after an unconditional return statement, so will never happen.

    As I understand it, you have a single wrapper function that you'd like to apply to a lot of methods. But you don't want to hard-code within the wrapper role the names of all those functions.

    This is a natural desire; to avoid tightly coupling the wrapper code with the class being wrapped. (See also: Aspect-Oriented Programming.)

    Anyhow, although it's still at an early stage of development, my module MooseX::ModifyTaggedMethods might be of help. This allows you to tag methods within a class, and write roles that use these tags to decide which methods to wrap.

    package Automatic::Check { use MooseX::RoleQR; use MooseX::ModifyTaggedMethods; around methods_tagged('ShouldCheck') => sub { my $orig = shift; my $self = shift; $rcref = Variant(VT_I2|VT_BYREF, 0); return $self->$orig(@_, $rcref); die "error" unless ( $rcref == 0 ); # never happens }; } package SA::Application { use Moose; use Sub::Talisman qw( ShouldCheck ); with 'Automatic::Check'; has ole => ( is => 'ro', isa => 'Win32::OLE', builder => '_build_ole +'); sub _build_ole { return Win32::OLE->new("SiebelDataServer.ApplicationObject" or die + "failed"; } sub load_objects : ShouldCheck { my $self = shift; my $cfg = shift; $self->ole->LoadObjects($cfg); } }

    I don't have Windows, so can't test the above, but it should give you the idea of how it works.

    perl -E'sub Monkey::do{say$_,for@_,do{($monkey=[caller(0)]->[3])=~s{::}{ }and$monkey}}"Monkey say"->Monkey::do'
    $orig(@_, $rcref); die unless ( $rcref == 0 ); # never happens }; } package SA::Application { use Moose; use Sub::Talisman qw( ShouldCheck ); with
Re: getting automatic error checking with Win32::OLE and Moose
by Arunbear (Prior) on Jan 15, 2013 at 18:21 UTC
    What about a simpler way:
    package Automatic::Check; use Moose::Role; requires qw(wrapped check_ref assert_check_ref); sub call { my $self = shift; my $method = shift; my $check_ref = $self->check_ref; $self->wrapped->$method(@_, $check_ref); $self->assert_check_ref($check_ref); warn 'ok'; } package FakeOLE; sub new { bless {} } sub LoadObjects { my $self = shift; my $cfg = shift; $_[0] = $cfg ? 0 : -1; } package SA::Application; use Moose; has wrapped => ( is => 'ro', builder => '_build_ole'); with qw/Automatic::Check/; sub _build_ole { return FakeOLE->new; } sub check_ref { 1 } sub assert_check_ref { my ($self, $check_ref) = @_; die "error" unless ( $check_ref == 0 ); } package main; my $cfg = 'somefile.cfg'; my $sa = SA::Application->new(); $sa->call('LoadObjects', $cfg); # ok $sa->call('LoadObjects', 0); # dies
    Here the role could be applied to any of your wrapper classes as long as they provide methods to get the wrapped object, the validation logic and the $rcref.
Re: getting automatic error checking with Win32::OLE and Moose
by Anonymous Monk on Jan 16, 2013 at 09:12 UTC

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