What about this? I keep a list of possible positions, I delete non-matching positions recursively character by character. If I make the string much longer (
x 100_000), it still runs only for 8 seconds on my box.
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature qw(say);
# 1 2 3 4
# 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345
# | | | | | |
our $string = '1234561234123x561234123x61234x3456123412345x1';
our $pattern = '123456';
our $pattern_length = length $pattern;
our %results;
search(0, 0, [0 .. length($string) - 1]);
say for sort { $a <=> $b } keys %results;
sub search {
my ($p_pos, $s_pos, $positions) = @_;
return if $p_pos > $pattern_length;
return unless @$positions;
if ($p_pos == $pattern_length) {
undef @results{@$positions};
my $char = substr $pattern, $p_pos, 1;
search($p_pos + 1, $s_pos + 1,
[ grep {
my $ch = substr($string, $s_pos + $_, 1);
$char eq $ch or 'x' eq $ch;
} @$positions ]);
search($p_pos + 2, $s_pos + 1,
[ grep substr($string, $s_pos + $_, 1) eq 'x',
@$positions ]);