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Sidhekinby Sidhekin (Priest) |
on Aug 22, 2001 at 17:55 UTC ( [id://106949]=user: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
EBHANSSEN on CPANYes, I've started paying back. Just one distribution so far:
The Sidhekin elsewhere on the web
The Sidhekin on UsenetIf you were on rec.arts.books.tolkien or before the movies, you might remember me. I visited a few other groups as well, but I seem to have lost the habit. As of late, automatic messages in perl.cpan.testers seem to be the only trace of me on Usenet. Monks I know from meatspaceThe Sidhekin on a Summer trek"Where the hell is my shirt?" The Sidhekin in the Unitarian JihadThe Broadsword of Sweet Reason Get your Unitarian Jihad name. ... hang on, what am I doing there? |