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Premature close of the pipe

by Superfox il Volpone (Sexton)
on Apr 09, 2014 at 13:20 UTC ( [id://1081646]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

Superfox il Volpone has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Dear perl monks,
I am struggling to keep my pipe open long enough so that the underlying command has the time to complete.
This is my code:
state $rsync_base_cmd = "rsync -avm -L --exclude='S/' --include='*/' + --include='*.cpp' " . "--include='*.hpp' --exclude='*'"; # perform the copy my $command = "$rsync_base_cmd ${login}:${remoteDirectory} $localDir +ectory"; #print("\n$command\n"); # for debugging #`$command`; my $output = ""; my $pid = open3(undef, my $pipe, undef, $command) or confess("[_copy_component] Cannot perform rsync : $!"); while(<$pipe>){ $output .= $_; } # wait it completes to process eval { close ($pipe); }; waitpid($pid, 0);
Unfortunately the pipe terminates before the command is able to copy all the involved files. But if I print the output into the stdout, then the pipe will correctly finish and all the files will be copied.

Can you please tell me how to ensure the underlying command completes without having to print the output into the stdout?

Kind regards,

Replies are listed 'Best First'.
Re: Premature close of the pipe
by zentara (Cardinal) on Apr 09, 2014 at 15:21 UTC
    I think you need to use select on your pipe. Here is an example.
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use IPC::Open2; use IO::Select; $| = 1; # autoflush STDOUT # Declare filehandles and command to use: my ($r, $w); my $cmd = 'ping'; # Open the process and set the selector: my $pid = open2($r, $w, $cmd); my $selector = IO::Select->new($r); while (1) # infinite loop (use "last" to break out) { if ($selector->can_read(0)) { my $chars; my $bytes_read = sysread($r, $chars, 4046); print "$bytes_read $chars\n"; } # Do anything you want in between reads here... } __END__ #by J. Romano # The advantage to this script is that, if your commands (like # "whois", "dig", and "ping") happen to pause, the loop won't # automatically break out. The disadvantage to this script is that it # might be difficult figuring out when a command has finished, or just # has delayed output (in which case you might have to put in a few # sleep() calls). Either way, I think that this script here does a # better job of helping you visualize what is going on -- you just nee +d # to be mindful of the fact that some programs don't flush their outpu +t # right away, and that it's not a simple matter to tell if the program # has stopped running altogether.

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Re: Premature close of the pipe
by McA (Priest) on Apr 09, 2014 at 13:43 UTC


    it is not a direct answer to your question and I don't know whether your code is just an excerpt from a bigger context. But if you just want to call rsync with grabbing the output synchronosly you could use the following:

    my $rsync_base_cmd = "rsync -avm -L --exclude='S/' --include='*/' --in +clude='*.cpp' " . "--include='*.hpp' --exclude='*'"; my $command = "$rsync_base_cmd ${login}:${remoteDirectory} $localDirec +tory"; open my $fh, '-|', $command or confess("_copy_component Cannot perform rsync : $!"); my $output; while(<$fh>) { $output .= $_; } close $fh or confess("rsync problem: $!");

    Best regards

    P.S.: untested

      Hi McA,
      thanks for your reply.

      Well, I do not wish to necessarily grab the output from the pipe, the statement while(<$fh>) { $output .= $_; } was a trick to delay the premature death of the pipe.
      I am using open3 because the remote server prints into the stderr a welcome message, which it is automatically forwarded into the client stdout using the common pipe mechanism, while I want to get rid of it.

      Kind regards,
Re: Premature close of the pipe
by Anonymous Monk on Apr 09, 2014 at 17:37 UTC

    But... you are closing the pipe yourself before the process has a chance to terminate: the close() above the waitpid().

    If you want to get rid of stderr, simply redirect it. There's no need to mess with open3().

      I tried to swap waitpid & close, it still closes the process prematurely.

      Kind regards,

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