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Re^3: "Worthington: "THERE IS NO ******** WAY TO FINISH PERL 6 WITHOUT LEAVING PARROT BEHIND"by Ovid (Cardinal) |
on Aug 28, 2014 at 10:57 UTC ( [id://1098853]=note: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
carlosdelrey wrote: It's only a lie if it's deliberate, ralphie-boy. Aside from the incredibly rude "ralphie-boy", you've made some strong accusations of Moritz trying to cover up bad behavior and by your own admission, those accusations were false. Strong claims require strong evidence and you provided none. By your reckoning, I can say all sorts of vile and nasty things about you and so long as I believe it, it's not a lie. If you squint, that's sort of true, but it doesn't mean your failure to provide any evidence to back up your accusations is acceptable. So the only real thing I can take away here is that you're deliberately rude to other people and are prone to throwing around baseless accusations. If you think the Perl 6 project isn't going anywhere, that's fine; you're not the only one in that camp. That means you should lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. Picking fights only makes you look bad.
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