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Re: Refactoring just to refactor?

by Your Mother (Archbishop)
on Jun 28, 2019 at 01:21 UTC ( [id://11102053]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Refactoring just to refactor?

Refactoring can be pure fun. It can also be helpful for learning or reorganizing and making things easier to maintain. Maybe it's time to bite off a bigger piece and do more of your stuff in a template as recently revisited. :P

#!/usr/bin/env perl use utf8; use 5.14.2; # for s///r use strictures; use Template; use Path::Tiny; # Mocking… you'd replace with your actual routine. sub Path::Tiny::textify { # Monkey patch. my $self = shift; join " ", map ucfirst, split /[\W_]/, $self->basename =~ s/(?<=\w)\.\w{1,3}\z//r; } my $tt2 = Template->new; my @files = grep $_->is_file, path(".")->children( qr/\A[A-Z].+/i ); # Should probably have \z t +oo. $tt2->process(\*DATA, { files => \@files }) or warn $Template::ERROR; __DATA__ <ul> [%-FOR file IN files %] <li> <a href="./[% file.basename | uri %]">[% file.textify | html %]< +/a> </li> [%-END %] </ul>
<ul> <li> <a href="./WADO-OsiriX-notes.txt">WADO OsiriX Notes</a> </li> <li> <a href="./">Chinese Truncate</a> </li> <li> <a href="./Dockerfile">Dockerfile</a> </li> …etc… </ul>

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