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Re^4: If Perl 5 were to become Perl 7, what (backward-compatible) features would you want to see?

by 1nickt (Canon)
on Oct 15, 2019 at 16:57 UTC ( [id://11107490]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: If Perl 5 were to become Perl 7, what (backward-compatible) features would you want to see?
in thread If Perl 5 were to become Perl 7, what (backward-compatible) features would you want to see?

Hm, I am not a student of OOP theory, but I find that "most of what Moo faciliates" is not so much in the instance constructor but in attribute declarations, of which I typically have many times more than constructor params. I find that triggers, clearers, predicates and lazy builders etc. are among the main features of the framework, and they are for all attributes declared.

I don't normally find a problem with having a RO "accessor" derived from declaring an attribute in order to take a named constructor param, but if you really don't want its value to be available to consumers you could maybe do something with BUILDARGS?

package Foo { use Moo; has qux => (is => 'ro'); around BUILDARGS => sub { my ($orig, $class, $args) = @_; return { qux => $args->{bar} * $args->{baz}, }; }; }; use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; my $o = Foo->new({ bar => 6, baz => 7, }); say $o->qux; say $o->bar;
$ perl 42 Can't locate object method "bar" via package "Foo" at line + 24.

Hope this helps!

The way forward always starts with a minimal test.
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Re^5: If Perl 5 were to become Perl 7, what (backward-compatible) features would you want to see?
by Corion (Patriarch) on Oct 15, 2019 at 17:26 UTC

    Yes, I could do that all in BUILDARGS, but "look at how tedious that is", when compared with doing the stuff as (fake) accessors. In a way this feels to me like Java where every data structure has to become a class.

    The following is a helper (role) that merely ingests either a premade dbh, or otherwise, a db username, db password and a DSN, to use DBI to make the DBH from:

    package Moo::Role::DBIConnection; use Moo::Role; use Filter::signatures; use feature 'signatures'; no warnings 'experimental::signatures'; use DBI; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 NAME Moo::Role::DBIConnection =head1 SYNOPSIS { package My::Example; use Moo 2; with 'Moo::Role::DBIConnection'; }; # Connect using the parameters my $writer = My::Example->new( dbh => { dsn => '...', user => '...', password => '...', options => '...', }, ); # ... or alternatively if you have a connection already my $writer2 = My::Example->new( dbh => $dbh, ); =cut has 'dbh' => ( is => 'lazy', default => \&_connect_db, ); has 'dsn' => ( is => 'ro', ); has 'user' => ( is => 'ro', ); has 'password' => ( is => 'ro', ); has 'options' => ( is => 'ro', ); sub _connect_db( $self ) { my $dbh = DBI->connect( $self->dsn, $self->user, $self->password, $self->options ); } 1;

    Somehow, I think shouldn't have to make the dsn, name and password accessors just so I can use them from _connect_db, and ideally, there would be a nicer thing that implements what the Moo*-supplied ->new() does, except that it expects just a hashref, instead of expecting accessors on $self.

    But I haven't seen that yet, so it's not really a feature I'd want to see in Perl 7. If it happens for Perl 7 that would be doubly great, of course!

      Ah, I've stumbled over this: Parameters which are only needed at object creation, but which don't need to stick around (or shouldn't, in the case of a password).

      Contrary to my previous post, where I advocated to use this only to keep APIs compatible, this is another example where I find coercion to be an excellent tool. Something sort of like this (note I'm not familiar with Moo coercion which seems to be different from Moose coercion, so caution is advised):

      package Moo::Role::DBIConnection; use Moo::Role; use feature 'signatures'; no warnings 'experimental::signatures'; use DBI; our $VERSION = '0.01'; =head1 NAME Moo::Role::DBIConnection =head1 SYNOPSIS { package My::Example; use Moo 2; with 'Moo::Role::DBIConnection'; }; # Connect using the parameters my $writer = My::Example->new( dbh => { dsn => '...', user => '...', password => '...', options => '...', }, ); # ... or alternatively if you have a connection already my $writer2 = My::Example->new( dbh => $dbh, ); =cut has 'dbh' => ( is => 'ro', coerce => \&_coerce_db, ); sub _coerce_db { my $connection_data = shift; return UNIVERSAL::isa($connection_data,'DBI::db') ? $connection_data : DBI->connect( @$connection_data{qw(dsn user password options)} + ); } 1;
      Edited to add: 1nickt was faster and more comprehensive with the same proposal. I upvoted his, feel free to ignore mine.

        "feel free to ignore mine"

        au contraire! Your solution is identical ... down to the hashref slice and the lack of parameter checking (allowing DBI to raise whatever its exception is). I upvoted your post too and I'm pleased to see it, not least because it makes me more confident my suggested approach was a good one. Keep posting!

        The way forward always starts with a minimal test.

      I think I would use a coercion to simplify that, and, yes, shed the unwanted attributes (accessors). Note I dropped the signatures as I don;t have the Filter module installed, but also no longer needed.

      package Moo::Role::DBIConnection { use Moo::Role; use DBI; has 'dbh' => ( is => 'ro', required => 1, coerce => sub { my $args = shift; return $args if ref($args) eq 'DBI::db'; ref($args) eq 'HASH' or die 'Not a DB handle nor a hashref +'; return DBI->connect( @{$args}{qw/dsn user password options +/} ); }, ); };
      ## # testing package MyClass { use Moo; with 'Moo::Role::DBIConnection'; }; use Test::Most 'die'; my %args = ( dsn => 'dbi:mysql:database=mysql', user => 'ntonkin', password => undef, options => { RaiseError => 1 }, ); subtest 'With no args' => sub { dies_ok sub { my $o = MyClass->new }, 'exception on no args'; }; subtest 'With bad type' => sub { throws_ok { my $o = MyClass->new(dbh => [\%args]) } qr/Not a DB ha +ndle nor a hashref/; }; subtest 'With existing handle' => sub { my $dbh = DBI->connect( @args{qw/dsn user password options/} ); cmp_ok( $dbh->do('select count(*) from db'), '>', 0, 'Found a DB' +); my $o = new_ok('MyClass', [dbh => $dbh], 'No exception with handle + passed in'); cmp_ok( $o->dbh->do('select count(*) from db'), '>', 0, 'Found a D +B via obj'); }; subtest 'With bad params' => sub { local $args{user} = 'frobnicator'; throws_ok { my $o = MyClass->new(dbh => \%args) } qr/coercion for +"dbh" failed/; throws_ok { my $o = MyClass->new(dbh => \%args) } qr/Access denied + for user/; }; subtest 'With params' => sub { my $o = new_ok('MyClass', [dbh => \%args], 'No exception with args + hash passed in'); cmp_ok( $o->dbh->do('select count(*) from db'), '>', 0, 'Found a D +B via obj'); dies_ok sub { print $o->dsn }, 'No DSN accessor!'; }; done_testing;
      $ prove -lrv .. # Subtest: With no args ok 1 - exception on no args 1..1 ok 1 - With no args # Subtest: With bad type ok 1 - threw Regexp ((?^:Not a DB handle nor a hashref)) 1..1 ok 2 - With bad type # Subtest: With existing handle ok 1 - Found a DB ok 2 - 'No exception with handle passed in' isa 'MyClass' ok 3 - Found a DB via obj 1..3 ok 3 - With existing handle # Subtest: With bad params ok 1 - threw Regexp ((?^:coercion for "dbh" failed)) ok 2 - threw Regexp ((?^:Access denied for user)) 1..2 ok 4 - With bad params # Subtest: With params ok 1 - 'No exception with args hash passed in' isa 'MyClass' ok 2 - Found a DB via obj ok 3 - No DSN accessor! 1..3 ok 5 - With params 1..5 ok All tests successful. Files=1, Tests=5, 0 wallclock secs ( 0.01 usr 0.00 sys + 0.09 cusr + 0.01 csys = 0.11 CPU) Result: PASS

      Hope this helps!

      update: added test for bad type and moved isa check to coercion

      The way forward always starts with a minimal test.

        If you're happy to coerce from an arrayref ([$dsn,$u,$p,\%opts]) instead of a hashref, then:

        package Moo::Role::DBIConnection { use Moo::Role; use DBI; use Types::DBI; has dbh => (is => 'ro', isa => Dbh, required => 1, coerce => 1); };

        Coercion from HashRef isn't provided in Types::DBI (because that would require choosing hash key names, something probably application-specific) but it's pretty easy to add in if you need it:

        package Moo::Role::DBIConnection { use Moo::Role; use DBI; use Types::DBI; use Types::Standard qw(HashRef); has dbh => ( is => 'ro', isa => Dbh->plus_coercions(HashRef, sub { DBI->connect( +@{$_}{qw/dsn user password options/}) }), required => 1, coerce => 1, ); };

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