in reply to how to write a vertical TK Entry?

Don't know how to rotate the characters, but...

use strict; use warnings; use Tk; use Tk::Text; my $MW = MainWindow->new; my $text_frame = $MW->Frame->pack; my $v_text = $text_frame->Text( qw(-relief flat -width 1 -height 10 -wrap char) )->pack(qw(-side left)); my $xy_text = $text_frame->Text( qw(-relief flat -width 20 -height 10 -wrap word) )->pack(qw(-side left)); $v_text->insert('1.0', '12345'); $xy_text ->insert('1.0', <<"EOT"); now is the time the rain in spain how now brown cow EOT $v_text->insert('end', 'abc'); $xy_text ->insert('end', <<"EOT"); four score and seven years ago... EOT MainLoop;

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