G'day szabgab,
I encountered a similar issue recently where I was adding META.yml and META.json to MANIFEST.
My tests using ExtUtils::Manifest failed because those files weren't present.
Like you, I realised that the files were generated by make dist, added to the tarball, then distdir was deleted:
still no META.* in the development directory — either before or after make test is run.
I took a very pragmatic approach to this.
make dist not only creates those files, but also adds their names to MANIFEST.
So I removed my hand-crafted entries from MANIFEST and make test ran successfully.
Anyone unpacking the tarball, has both the files present and the entries in MANIFEST:
again, make test runs successfully.
That doesn't directly help you, as you actually want those files to be available in your development directory
when you run make test.
I had a look through the test-class/t in your git repo.
I couldn't see anything that looked like test_meta.t —
and wasn't prepared to look through several screenfuls of *.t files —
so I'll just make a general suggestion.
In test_meta.t (or whatever it's called) add a SKIP: {...} block that tests for the presence for META.*:
now make test should run successfully.
After make dist, unpack the tarball, which should give you a directory with the META.* files
and entries for them in MANIFEST.
Now run the standard incantation, perl Makefile.PL; make; make test,
and hopefully tests are either successful or point to something you need to fix.
When everything is good; post the tarball to CPAN.
There's potentially a more elegant solution which involves adding a sub MY::postamble {...} to Makefile.PL
to generate a local_metafile (or similar) make target.
That seems like a lot of work, but may be worth it depending on your requirements.
My expertise with ExtUtils::MakeMaker is not at a level that
I feel I can usefully provide you with any substantial help — perhaps another monk can offer advice.
A bit of bonus humour.
When typing the first paragraph, my finger clipped the 'E' when aiming for the 'S':
I ended up writing "My testes ...".
I'm very glad I spotted that. 😌
I've made multiple, extremely minor changes to last sentence of the penultimate paragraph.
None of these change the intended meaning; they're just better English.
As there's been no responses, at the time of writing, these do not affect anyone's reply.
It'd be great if there was a "Preview" option for this.
I'll post separately about that.
Update: Done - see "Preview for Post Editing"