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Re^11: Perl Contempt in My Workplace

by vkon (Curate)
on May 29, 2021 at 18:08 UTC ( [id://11133277]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^10: Perl Contempt in My Workplace
in thread Perl Contempt in My Workplace

I do not see how my 2 statements contradict to each other. I was searching for some existing solution (catalyst or dancer of whatever)
and I do not want to reimplement "server side processing" - I want to reuse something that already exists.

how these 2 statements contradict to each other?

my SQL statement is simple: SELECT * from MYTABLE

Do you have perl solution with datatables with excel-like sorting and filtering, given that MYTABLE is large enough so it is not realistic to send entire table to client?

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Re^12: Perl Contempt in My Workplace
by marto (Cardinal) on May 30, 2021 at 08:52 UTC

    "I do not see how my 2 statements contradict to each other"

    You said: "ok, so basically you're suggesting me to redo all negotiations to Jquery/datatables from scratch using JSON::PP and do a lot of fun with modern web frameworks. This is exactly what I was trying to avoid". After saying: "my plan was to find some plugin for Catalyst of Mojo or Dancer or whatever" Mojolicious and Dancer being modern framework. It has been explained several times why a boiler plate cpan module to do what you want is likely going to be more of a hassle to maintain, than had you taken the advice given here, and in the the DataTables dominations and followed those instructions.

      I remember those answers and I agree with nice people who provided me with these advices.

      Still, I do not see how my 2 statements contradict to each other.

      out from your answer I conclude that you're stating that Perl module is impractical to exist for my particular case.
      I do not entirely agree with this, but I do respect this point of view.

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