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Re: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape

by Anonymous Monk
on Aug 20, 2021 at 13:55 UTC ( [id://11135987]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape

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  • Comment on Re: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape

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Re^2: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape
by chromatic (Archbishop) on Aug 21, 2021 at 17:31 UTC
    The most important thing is to keep those systems running....

    I can assure you that Ovid hastily rejected my patch to the Cor design to raise funds to build a space laser to destroy all extant versions of Perl pre-Corinna from every hard drive, tape drive, optical disk, external drive, and paper printout in existence.

    So good news; every public release of every version of Perl already released will still be available and that code will stay running!


    I don't think this word means the same thing to both of us.


    I don't think this word means the same thing to both of us.

Re^2: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Aug 21, 2021 at 01:28 UTC
      «…Quoting Stroustrup…»

      Remember Eric Bloodaxe. Some things went wrong with him as well.

      «The Crux of the Biscuit is the Apostrophe»

Re^2: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape
by stevieb (Canon) on Aug 20, 2021 at 14:20 UTC
    not to make gratuitous changes to the language core. Did we learn nothing from the debacle known briefly as "Perl 6?"

    Apparently, not some of us, considering Perl 6 was a brand new language from the ground up; there were no changes to the Perl 5 core whatsoever, so I have no clue why you're comparing apples to cinder blocks here.

Re^2: The Corinna RFC for getting modern OO into the Perl core is taking shape
by Ovid (Cardinal) on Sep 14, 2021 at 15:22 UTC

    You'll be delighted to know that Corinna has been designed with this in mind. Specifically, it's designed to not break backwards compatibility. And because it will be released with a feature guard and is experimental, it can be pulled back and changed if need be, as we've done with other major features (including removing them, if necessary). On top of that, most of Corinna already exists in the form of the Object::Pad test bed. There will be no decades of wait. Hell, we could probably make an RFC next week if we wanted all of Object::Pad, but since we don't, we won't. We're deliberately taking this slow and working with the community to take the time to get it right. It's taken a couple of years, but I suspect it won't take that much longer to get the RFC to P5P.

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