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Re: How to represent the filesystem in DS?

by ovedpo15 (Pilgrim)
on Apr 03, 2022 at 06:56 UTC ( [id://11142647]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How to represent the filesystem in DS?

So I started working on a tree-like DS for my data. I would really appreciate to get a small code review! (more about the approach then the code itself)
I'll explain what I did first: Basically I have four classes. The FileNode represents a file , DirNode represents a directory, LinkNode represents a link and PathsTree represents the tree of nodes. Dir node has a hash of nodes that it points to. The Link node has one node that it points to. Now, I also added display_tree method for debugging purposes (you can't ignore it). The code of LinkNode:
package LinkNode; sub new { my ($class,$node_name,$node_target,$link_type) = @_; my $self = { "nodes" => {}, "type" => $link_type, "name" => $node_name, "target" => $node_target }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub get_child_node_by_name { my ($self,$node_name) = @_; if (defined($self->{"nodes"}{$node_name})) { return $self->{"nodes"}{$node_name}; } return undef; } sub display_tree { my ($self,$prefix) = @_; print($prefix." ".$self->{"name"}." -> ".$self->{"target"}."\n"); } 1;
The code of FileNode:
package FileNode; sub new { my ($class,$node_name) = @_; my $self = { "type" => "file", "name" => $node_name }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub display_tree { my ($self,$prefix) = @_; print($prefix." ".$self->{"name"}."\n"); } 1;
The code of DirNode:
package DirNode; use file_node qw(:all); use link_node qw(:all); sub new { my ($class,$node_name,$node_type) = @_; my $self = { "nodes" => {}, "type" => $node_type, "name" => $node_name }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub get_child_node_by_name { my ($self,$node_name) = @_; if (defined($self->{"nodes"}{$node_name})) { return $self->{"nodes"}{$node_name}; } return undef; } sub add_child_node { my ($self,$node_name,$node_type) = @_; if ($node_type eq "dir") { my $new_node = new DirNode($node_name); $self->{"nodes"}{$node_name} = $new_node; return $new_node; } elsif ($node_type eq "file") { my $new_node = new FileNode($node_name); $self->{"nodes"}{$node_name} = $new_node; return $new_node; } return undef; } sub add_child_link_node { my ($self,$node_name,$node_target,$node_type) = @_; my $new_node = new LinkNode($node_name,$node_target,$node_type); $self->{"nodes"}{$node_name} = $new_node; return $new_node; } sub get_dirs { my ($self) = @_; my $path = $self->{"name"}; my %paths; foreach my $current_node (values(%{$self->{"nodes"}})) { if ($current_node->isa('DirNode')) { my %subpaths = $current_node->get_dirs(); foreach my $subpath (keys(%subpaths)) { my $updated_path = catdir($path,$subpath); $paths{$updated_path} += 1; } } } if (scalar(keys(%paths)) == 0) { $paths{$path} += 1; } return %paths; } sub get_files { my ($self) = @_; my $path = $self->{"name"}; my %paths; foreach my $current_node (values(%{$self->{"nodes"}})) { if ($current_node->isa('DirNode')) { my %subpaths = $current_node->get_files(); foreach my $subpath (keys(%subpaths)) { my $updated_path = catdir($path,$subpath); $paths{$updated_path} += 1; } } elsif ($current_node->isa('FileNode')) { my $updated_path = catdir($path,$current_node->{"name"}); $paths{$updated_path} += 1; } } return %paths; } sub get_links { my ($self) = @_; my $path = $self->{"name"}; my %paths; foreach my $current_node (values(%{$self->{"nodes"}})) { if ($current_node->isa('DirNode')) { my %subpaths = $current_node->get_links(); foreach my $subpath (keys(%subpaths)) { my $updated_path = catdir($path,$subpath); $paths{$updated_path} = $subpaths{$subpath}; } } elsif ($current_node->isa('LinkNode')) { my $target_path = $current_node->{"target"}; my $updated_path = catdir($path,$current_node->{"name"}); $paths{$updated_path} = $target_path; } } return %paths; } sub display_tree { my ($self,$prefix) = @_; print($prefix." ".$self->{"name"}."\n"); foreach my $current_node (values(%{$self->{"nodes"}})) { $current_node->display_tree($prefix."-"); } } 1;
And the most important part - the code of PathsTree:
package PathsTree; use strict; use dir_node qw(:all); use Cwd qw(cwd abs_path getcwd); use File::Basename qw(fileparse); use File::Spec::Functions qw(file_name_is_absolute splitdir catfile ca +tdir); sub new { my ($class) = @_; my $self = { _root_node => new DirNode('/',"dir") }; bless $self, $class; return $self; } sub display_tree { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"_root_node"}->display_tree("-"); } sub get_links { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"_root_node"}->get_links(); } sub get_files { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"_root_node"}->get_files(); } sub get_dirs { my ($self) = @_; return $self->{"_root_node"}->get_dirs(); } sub get_node_by_path { my ($self,$path) = @_; my @subpaths = splitdir($path); my $prev_node = $self->{_root_node}; for my $index (0..$#subpaths) { next if (@subpaths[$index] eq ""); my $current_node_name = @subpaths[$index]; my $current_child = $prev_node->get_child_node_by_name(@subpat +hs[$index]); unless ($current_child) { return undef; } $prev_node = $current_child; } return $prev_node; } sub add_path { my ($self,$path) = @_; my @subpaths = splitdir($path); my $prev_node = $self->{_root_node}; for my $index (0..$#subpaths) { next if (@subpaths[$index] eq ""); # Ignore empty strings my $current_path = catdir(@subpaths[0..$index]); my $current_node_name = @subpaths[$index]; if (-l $current_path) { my @resloved_links = resolve_symlink($current_path); foreach my $link (@resloved_links) { if ($link eq $current_path) { next; } $self->add_path($link); } my $current_link_target = readlink($current_path); my $child_node = $self->get_node_by_path($current_path); if ($child_node) { $prev_node = $child_node; } else { $child_node = $prev_node->add_child_link_node($current +_node_name,$current_link_target,"regular_link"); $prev_node = $child_node; } $prev_node = $self->get_node_by_path($current_link_target) +; } elsif (-f $current_path) { my $child_node = $self->get_node_by_path($current_path); if ($child_node) { $prev_node = $child_node; } else { $child_node = $prev_node->add_child_node($current_node +_name,"file"); $prev_node = $child_node; } } elsif (-d $current_path) { my $child_node = $self->get_node_by_path($current_path); if ($child_node) { $prev_node = $child_node; } else { $child_node = $prev_node->add_child_node($current_node +_name,"dir"); $prev_node = $child_node; } } else { log("Ignoring path with unknown type: $current_path"); } } } # TODO: Move to a separated file sub resolve_symlink { my ($file) = @_; unless (file_name_is_absolute($file)) { log("Failed to resolve link $file"); return; } my @files; my $origwd = getcwd; my $rv = eval { my $f = $file; while (1) { my $dir; ($f,$dir) = fileparse($f); last unless (-d $dir); chdir $dir or die "chdir $dir: $!"; push @files, catfile(getcwd,$f); last unless (-l $f); defined( $f = readlink $f ) or die "readlink $f (cwd=".get +cwd."): $!"; } 1 }; my $err = $@ || 'unknown error'; chdir $origwd or (log("Failed to chdir $origwd: $!") && return); die $err unless ($rv); return @files ? @files : ($file); } 1;
Test case:
my $paths_tree = new PathsTree(); foreach my $path (keys(%paths)) { $paths_tree->add_path($path); } $paths_tree->display_tree(); my %dirs = $paths_tree->get_dirs(); my %files = $paths_tree->get_files(); my %links = $paths_tree->get_links();
My thoughts about my code: I got very entangled with the links part. The whole idea was to make it scalable and it's got difficult to follow the code in the "link-handler" section of add_path method. Also, I probably should use here inheritance - some Node class with basic methods which DirNode, FileNode and LinkNode inherit from.

My code probably contains bugs but I ask you this - is it the right approach? If you remember from the intro, the main feature that I want to add is to use virtual paths instead of logical. So once I done building the graph, I want to provide a list of virtual paths. For example, in the first example that I provided above, if user gave me /p then I should replace every occurrence of /a/b/c with /p in the graph. Do you think it will not be hard to do with my current approach?

P.S. originally this post was part of the main post but as suggested, I moved it to a separated reply.

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