Thanks for the bug report.
I found an existing bug report, #118255,
which refers to a problem when -echo is used with prompt.
It looks like -return, as I've used, has the same issue.
I've changed
$rgb = prompt 'Convert hex to decimal rgb (or just hit "Enter" to
+quit): ', -return => '';
$rgb = prompt 'Convert hex to decimal rgb (or just hit "Enter" to
+quit): ', -return => '';
# Fix for MSWin -- see https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html
$rgb =~ s/\R\z//;
The s/\R\z// is a little more generic than s/[\r]*$//;
but otherwise it's pretty much the same as your fix.
I've tested it on my machine (Cygwin) and it hasn't changed the functionality for me.
Could you test that for me on your MSWin machine?
Assuming it works OK, I'll update the code in the OP.