Instead of debugging all that, here's my SSCCE showing --installdeps happily trying to install the test requirements. I've intentionally used deps which don't exist.
$ ls
$ cat cpanfile
on 'test' => sub {
requires 'Nosuch', '1.0';
suggests 'Stillno', '1.0';
$ cpanm -S --installdeps .
--> Working on .
Configuring /tmp/testreq ... OK
==> Found dependencies: Nosuch
! Finding Nosuch (1.0) on mirror failed.
! Couldn't find module or a distribution Nosuch (1.0)
! Installing the dependencies failed: Module 'Nosuch' is not installed
! Bailing out the installation for ..
Hopefully you can use this as a starting point to see why your deps are being ignored.