When I worked in academia, I went frequently.
Then I left academia. Before Covid, I still went regularly (once a year to YAPC::EU). Since Covid, I haven't been to a conference, still waiting for a review of my presentation to this year's conference in Helsinki.
map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
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Interpretation of results:
The time spent going to conferences is inversely proportional to the time available for completing polls.
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Fairly regularly ... Frequently
What does that even mean?
I chose "Fairly regularly" as I can't fathom what frequently would mean in the context of conferences.
Once a year at the German Perl & Raku Workshop. Easy, as I am in the organising team. And once every other decade to YAPC/TPC.
Once a year at this Big Data & AI World, Cloud Cyber Security Expo Europe, Cloud Expo Europe and Data Centre World thingy.
And until a year ago, more than once a year to IT job fairs. That' frequent?
Cheers, Sören
Créateur des bugs mobiles - let loose once, run everywhere.
(hooked on the Perl Programming language)
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What does that even mean?
Well, quite. Regularity != Frequency. Halley's comet hits perihelion regularly but I'm unlikely to live to see the next one.
I've been to conferences which are held regularly but infrequently too (eg. every 4 years).
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I imagined "Frequently" would be similar to a "Frequent flyer", so certainly more than once per year, but I couldn't pin a more precise number to it.
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Are we limiting this to just Perl conferences or any conference?
I go to some form of business conference most months but have never been to a Perl conference.
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Any conference would count, though the poll was inspired by the upcoming Perl and Raku conference
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