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App-lcpan: Amazing Dependency Graph

by kcott (Archbishop)
on Dec 06, 2023 at 23:39 UTC ( [id://11156149]=perlmeditation: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I was asked to evaluate the lcpan script from the App-lcpan distribution for $work.

I thought I'd just share its amazing dependency graph. ☺️

— Ken

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Re: App-lcpan: Amazing Dependency Graph
by Tux (Canon) on Dec 07, 2023 at 09:43 UTC

    This is the reason why I have:

    $ cat ~/.cpan/prefs/PERLANCAR.yml --- comment: "We need only one CPAN" match: distribution: "^PERLANCAR/" disabled: 1

    Not that I don't value his work and contributions, but I don't want to litter my system with a duplicate of every module already on CPAN.

    I agree that there is no problem communicating with them. Nice person indeed!

    Enjoy, Have FUN! H.Merijn
Re: App-lcpan: Amazing Dependency Graph (perlancar)
by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop) on Dec 07, 2023 at 07:03 UTC

    Is perlancar an individual or a team? How is it possible for an individual to create and publish 1000 quality CPAN distributions? Anyone know the backstory?

      Hello eyepopslikeamosquito

      perlancar is really perlancar and yes they are an individual and used to lurk here and is a nice guy. Not 1000 distributions: 2541!

      Maybe he is playing Risk with CPAN :)

      In their blog we read: I’ve also released way too many CPAN modules, because it is so much fun :)


      There are no rules, there are no thumbs..
      Reinvent the wheel, then learn The Wheel; may be one day you reinvent one of THE WHEELS.

      G'day 👁️🍾👍🦟,

      I have seen posts by (PerlMonks monk) perlancar on many occasions; I had always assumed this was the same person as (CPAN author) PERLANCAR.

      Following the PERLANCAR link, I see amongst the contact information.

      Following that link and switching to the ABOUT tab, I see:

      "... I've also released way too many CPAN modules ..."
      ... and a couple of paragraphs later ...
      "... perlmonks ..."

      The "CPAN modules" link → CPAN author PERLANCAR
      The "perlmonks" link → PerlMonks monk perlancar

      It would seem that my assumption was correct.

      — Ken

        kcott, further to the amazing dependency graph you mentioned in the root node, I noticed a similarly amazing MapOfCpan of perlancar's 2541 distributions.

        Don't let $work see he's "available for telecommute and part-time work" ... they might make a "management decision" to hire perlancar part-time to replace their entire IT department. :)

        Finally, I see that in Indonesian the root word is "lancar" meaning smooth/fluent (similar to German, where the root word for smooth/fluent is LanX :).

        Updated: fixed a couple of typos.

      My analysis is that the author has never seen a wheel he didn't want to reinvent, rather than just contributing improvements to existing modules. I gather many people have tried to persuade him to change strategy.
Re: App-lcpan: Amazing Dependency Graph
by hippo (Archbishop) on Dec 07, 2023 at 09:48 UTC

    Thanks for this. It might be an accidental homage to the archetypal Acme::Mom::Yours.


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