in reply to Anonymous subroutines
There are various possible reasons
In general anonymous subs ...
- don't pollute the namespace - i.e. block a name (sic) in a package
- are private * and scoped when assigned to my var
- don't need to be \& referenced before being passed around ²
- are "created" on the fly at run time °
- can be generated multiple times with binding to different closure vars
- can be nested *
- can easily be used as "lambdas" with map-like functions(&) ³
- (add more techniques from functional programming)
- (add more techniques from metaprogramming)
- ...
Without more details it's hard to tell, why you saw, what you saw.
Cheers Rolf
(addicted to the Perl Programming Language :)
see Wikisyntax for the Monastery
°) well "available", they are only compiled once at compile time, but their time window/life span is dynamic
*) even in older Perl versions
²) e.g. as callbacks
³) like in List::Util
Disclaimer: The listed points are not exclusive and have overlaps. Neither do I expect them to be exhaustive and to cover all cases.
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Seekers of Perl Wisdom