> Interestingly, the original server had stability problems, ...
Greetings, talexb. That can be from many kids initiating a connection simultaneously in a tiny window. The following is a P::FM like code. The interesting bit is MCE::Hobo->yield, helpful for staggering connection instantiations. MCE::Hobo->yield defaults to 0.008 seconds on UNIX. Call yield prior to making a remote connection.
use v5.10.1;
use MCE::Hobo;
max_workers => 50,
posix_exit => 1,
on_finish => sub {
my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $error, $resp) = @
print "child $pid completed: $ident => ", $resp->[0], "\n";
foreach my $data ( 1..2000 ) {
MCE::Hobo->create( $data, sub {
# sleep 1; # simulate connection instantiation
[ $data * 2 ];
Without the "sleep 1", the demonstration completes in ~ 0.8 seconds (without yield) and ~ 16.0 seconds (with yield). Otherwise, ~ 42 seconds simulating work. No matter how many workers, the serial-delay capability will not allow more than 125 connection instantiations per second with MCE::Hobo->yield(); default 0.008 seconds.
For use-cases like this, serialized delay/yield mitigates many workers initiating a connection concurrently in a tiny window, improving reliability.