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Re: Why is my counter not updating in a threaded application?

by marioroy (Prior)
on Mar 30, 2024 at 15:45 UTC ( [id://11158580]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Why is my counter not updating in a threaded application?

1. Passing data. This contains the $ctr suggestion by Corion.

use v5.32; use Parallel::ForkManager; use Data::Dumper; my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(8); $pm->set_waitpid_blocking_sleep(0); our @results; $pm->run_on_finish( sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_ref) + = @_; push @results, ${$data_ref}; }); our @duplicated = (10..20); our $ctr = 0; say "processing duplicates..."; LOOP: foreach my $pid (@duplicated) { unless ($ctr % 1000) {say $ctr;} $ctr++; $pm->start and next LOOP; # do the fork #do stuff my $ans = $pid; $pm->finish(0, \$ans); # exit the child process } $pm->wait_all_children; say scalar(@results); # print Dumper(\@results);

2. Using MCE::Child with Parallel::ForkManager similarities.

use v5.32; use MCE::Child; use Data::Dumper; our @results; MCE::Child->init( max_workers => 8, posix_exit => 1, on_finish => sub { my ($pid, $exit_code, $ident, $exit_signal, $core_dump, $data_ +ref) = @_; push @results, ${$data_ref}; } ); our @duplicated = (10..20); our $ctr = 0; say "processing duplicates..."; foreach my $pid (@duplicated) { unless ($ctr % 1000) {say $ctr;} $ctr++; MCE::Child->create(sub { #do stuff my $ans = $pid; return \$ans; }); } MCE::Child->wait_all; say scalar(@results); # print Dumper(\@results);

3. Using MCE::Shared to construct a shared array.

use v5.32; use MCE::Shared; use Parallel::ForkManager; use Data::Dumper; my $pm = Parallel::ForkManager->new(8); $pm->set_waitpid_blocking_sleep(0); # create a shared array object # this starts the shared-manager process our $results = MCE::Shared->array(); our @duplicated = (10..20); our $ctr = 0; say "processing duplicates..."; LOOP: foreach my $pid (@duplicated) { unless ($ctr % 1000) {say $ctr;} $ctr++; $pm->start and next LOOP; # do the fork #do stuff my $ans = $pid; $results->push($ans); $pm->finish; # exit the child process } $pm->wait_all_children; # destroy the shared object and retrieve the array # unblesses MCE::Shared::Array, becoming plain array ref $results = $results->destroy({ unbless => 1 }); # stop the shared-manager process MCE::Shared->stop; say scalar(@{$results}); # print Dumper($results);

4. Using MCE and a shared counter variable.

use v5.32; use MCE; use MCE::Shared; use Data::Dumper; our @results; our $shared_ctr = MCE::Shared->scalar(0); my $mce = MCE->new( gather => \@results, chunk_size => 1, max_workers => 8, posix_exit => 1, user_func => sub { my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_; my $ctr = $shared_ctr->getincr; unless ($ctr % 1000) {MCE->say($ctr);} #do stuff my $ans = $chunk_ref->[0]; # or $_ MCE->gather($ans); } )->spawn; our @duplicated = (10..20); $mce->process({ input_data => \@duplicated }); $mce->shutdown; # stop the shared-manager process MCE::Shared->stop; say scalar(@results); # print Dumper(\@results);

5. Using MCE without MCE::Shared.

use v5.32; use MCE; use Data::Dumper; our @results; our $global_ctr = 0; sub getincr { my $ctr = $global_ctr++; return $ctr; } my $mce = MCE->new( gather => \@results, chunk_size => 1, max_workers => 8, posix_exit => 1, user_func => sub { my ($mce, $chunk_ref, $chunk_id) = @_; my $ctr = MCE->do('getincr'); unless ($ctr % 1000) {MCE->say($ctr);} #do stuff my $ans = $chunk_ref->[0]; # or $_ MCE->gather($ans); } )->spawn; our @duplicated = (10..20); $mce->process({ input_data => \@duplicated }); $mce->shutdown; say scalar(@results); # print Dumper(\@results);

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