The journey ended wonderfully.
Below, the gap between total time and real time is the GC time by the OS i.e. freeing dynamically allocated memory. C++ strings are dynamically allocated if greater than the small / Short String Optimization (SSO) limit; 16.
$ time ./llil4map long* long* long* | cksum
llil4map start
use OpenMP ( old ) ( new )
memory consumption 36.6 GB 17.5 GB
use boost sort
get properties 12.967s 11.836s
map to vector 3.244s 1.292s
vector stable sort 10.265s 11.025s
write stdout 1.410s 1.364s
total time 27.887s 25.519s
count lines 970195200
count unique 295755152
29612263 5038456270
real time 0m43.973s 0m27.461s
user 25m08.532s 20m02.479s
sys 0m55.602s 0m43.250s
$ time ./llil4vec long* long* long* | cksum
llil4vec start
use OpenMP ( old ) (mem-fix) ( new )
memory consumption 89.6 GB 62.4 GB 33.0 GB
use boost sort
get properties 48.133s 32.659s 12.993s
sort properties 39.684s 39.399s 33.421s
vector reduce 87.982s 75.644s 35.568s
vector stable sort 25.990s 31.133s 21.987s
write stdout 3.707s 3.206s 3.693s
total time 205.498s 182.042s 107.664s
count lines 970195200
count unique 295755152
29612263 5038456270
real time 3m57.228s 3m38.118s 1m50.092s
user 73m27.931s 70m13.776s 45m32.094s
sys 2m42.941s 2m29.584s 2m20.917s
I found the issue with the vector variant consuming huge memory. The std::make_move_iterator is making a copy, not move.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(static, 1) reduction(+:num_lines)
for (int i = 0; i < nfiles; ++i) {
vec_str_int_type locvec;
num_lines += get_properties(fname[i], locvec);
#pragma omp critical
// Append local vector to propvec (consumes more memory)
// propvec.insert(
// propvec.end(),
// std::make_move_iterator(locvec.begin()),
// std::make_move_iterator(locvec.end())
// );
// Append local vector to propvec (faster)
auto it = locvec.begin();
auto it2 = locvec.end();
for (; it != it2; ++it)
Previously, vector reduce took greater than 85 seconds. I refactored reduce_vec to do a move. Like before, this reduces the vector in-place. The new version (see Gist URL below) does three stages to reclaim memory in parallel.
// Reduce a vector range (tally adjacent count fields of duplicate key
+ names)
static void reduce_vec(auto& vec)
if (vec.size() > 0) {
auto it1 = vec.begin(); auto itr = it1; auto itw = it1;
auto it2 = vec.end();
auto curr = itr;
for (++itr; itr != it2; ++itr) {
if (itr->first == curr->first) {
curr->second += itr->second;
else {
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
curr = itr;
if (itw != curr)
*itw = std::move(*curr);
vec.resize(std::distance(it1, ++itw));
The final versions and live in a GitHub Gist, with a README file and everything needed to run.
Gregory Popovitch got me back on track. He provided a new type string_cnt.h. I made two additional variants.
string_cnt.h - original + key length stored with count
string_cnt_f.h - fixed-length-only version
string_cnt_u.h - union std::array
The map/vec programs support small and long strings automatically (without recompiling), using string_cnt.h or string_cnt_u.h. The latter involves a union containing a std::array alongside the data. For small strings, better performance is reached using the array.
Finally, I decreased the gap between total time and real time by reclaiming memory faster.
// Free dynamically allocated memory in parallel.
#pragma omp parallel for schedule(dynamic, 300000) num_threads(nthd
for (size_t i = 0; i < propvec.size(); i++)
I learned a lot during this journey. The challenge involved so much learning.