What if I drag multiple files to the perl window? Only one filename is received
What if you drop them onto just a cmd.exe (or PowerShell) window? The same happens, so it's not Perl limitation. Then either a proper GUI, or e.g. drop-target helper shortcut on Desktop which whole purpose would be to IPC received list to the main app, are required.
I think quick/dirty/easy way could be to both receive either single dropped filename or a bunch/list from clipboard (i.e. user selects files, then just hits ctrl-C instead of dragging/missing/messing).
Of course there are rough edges for you to solve. I have no idea if 50 ms timeout is good enough to prevent too many empty cycles, or why filenames being got from these 2 sources are encoded differently if not ASCII and/or quoted or not. But these "problems" should be trivial.
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
use Term::ReadKey;
ReadMode 3;
END { ReadMode 0 };
use Win32::Clipboard;
END { Win32::Clipboard::Empty() };
my @list;
while ( 1 ) {
if ( defined( my $char = ReadKey( .050 ))) {
push @list, '' unless @list;
$list[0] .= $char
elsif ( Win32::Clipboard::IsFiles() ) {
push @list, Win32::Clipboard::GetFiles();
elsif ( @list ) {
say for @list;
@list = ()