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Re: 5.40 released (perl new feature References)

by eyepopslikeamosquito (Archbishop)
on Jun 11, 2024 at 01:19 UTC ( [id://11159891]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to 5.40 released

I just built perl v5.40.0 from source on Ubuntu, using the same steps as last time, without any build problems.

Note that perl v5.34 added try/catch syntax, inspired by Syntax::Keyword::Try:

use feature 'try'; try { do_a_thing(); } catch ( $e ) { warn "It failed - $e"; }

while perl v5.36 further added finally blocks to try/catch, also inspired by Syntax::Keyword::Try:

use feature 'try'; try { do_a_thing(); } catch( $e ) { ... } finally { cleanup(); }

While updating my try-catch sample program from perl v5.38.2 to v5.40.0, I noticed that while try-catch feature is no longer experimental with perl v5.40 its use with a finally block still emitted a warning ... presumably because try and catch were added in perl v5.34, while finally was not added until perl v5.36 ... so I expect the finally block warning will finally disappear in perl v5.42. :-)

Perl Feature References Added Later

Recent Features:

  • try catch finally (perldoc)
  • Syntax::Keyword::Try on CPAN by Paul Evans - a try/catch/finally syntax for perl
  • Feature::Compat::Try on CPAN by Paul Evans - make try/catch syntax available (if the new syntax is available this module simply enables the core feature equivalent to using it directly; on older versions of perl before such syntax is available, it is provided instead using Syntax::Keyword::Try)
  • Try::Tiny on CPAN by Karen Etheridge - minimal try/catch with proper preservation of $@

  • perlclass (perldoc) - class, field, method
  • Feature::Compat::Class on CPAN by Paul Evans - make class syntax available (a work-in-progress, like the underlying perlclass feature)
  • Object::Pad on CPAN by Paul Evans - a simple syntax for lexical field-based objects

  • What's New in Perl v5.40? Mohammad Sajid Anwar on (Jun 2024) : 1) new __CLASS__ keyword; 2) :reader attribute for field variables; 3) a space is permitted in the -M command-line option; 4) new ^^ logical xor operator; 5) try/catch feature is no longer experimental; 6) for iterating over multiple values at a time is no longer experimental

  • builtin (perldoc) - Perl pragma to import built-in utility functions (introduced in perl v5.36)
  • use builtin ':5.40' bundles true false weaken unweaken is_weak blessed refaddr reftype ceil floor is_tainted trim indexed
  • Note: The overall builtin mechanism, as well as every individual function it provides, are currently experimental

Older Features:

  • autodie (perldoc) - new core pragma added to perl v5.10.1

Basic Feature References:

  • say feature - perl 5.10
  • state feature - perl 5.10
  • switch feature - perl 5.10: deprecated, removed in perl 5.42
  • unicode_strings feature - perl 5.12
  • unicode_eval and evalbytes features - perl 5.16
  • current_sub feature - perl 5.16
  • fc feature - perl 5.16
  • lexical_subs feature - perl 5.26
  • array_base feature - removed in perl 5.30
  • postderef and postderef_qq features - perl 5.30
  • signatures feature - perl 5.36
  • refaliasing feature - perl 5.22 (still experimental)
  • declared_refs feature - perl 5.26 (still experimental)
  • ... Re^2: Passing argument by reference (for a scalar) by ikegami gives an example using refaliasing/declared_refs and compares to Data::Alias
  • bitwise feature - perl 5.28
  • isa feature - perl 5.36
  • indirect feature - perl 5.32
  • multidimensional feature - perl 5.34
  • bareword_filehandles feature - perl 5.34
  • try feature - perl 5.34
  • builtin pragma - perl 5.36
  • defer feature - perl 5.36
  • extra_paired_delimiters feature - perl 5.36
  • finally added to try feature - perl 5.36
  • module_true feature - perl 5.38
  • class feature - perl 5.38
  • perl v5.40 feature bundle : bitwise current_sub evalbytes fc isa module_true postderef_qq say signatures state try unicode_eval unicode_strings

Feature switch Removal:

See Also


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