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Re: How do I locally host a CPAN repository on an air-gapped server

by Corion (Patriarch)
on Aug 13, 2024 at 07:15 UTC ( [id://11161030]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to How do I locally host a CPAN repository on an air-gapped server ?

Personally, I also use CPAN::Mini, but there also is Pinto, which aims for fine-grained control of what versions you import into your server. I never got it to run, but I didn't spend much time on it either, since I have a working CPAN::Mini installation already.

The "downside" of CPAN::Mini is, that it always keeps a complete mirror and always has the latest version. There is very little in customizing distributions or adding your own, internal modules to it. There is CPAN::Mini::Inject for that, but I've never used it.

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Re^2: How do I locally host a CPAN repository on an air-gapped server
by cavac (Parson) on Aug 14, 2024 at 07:56 UTC

    CPAN::Mini::Inject works quite well. It has a somewhat strange array of command line options, but they are well explained and easy to understand (just hard to remember).

    The biggest hurdle to get a local CPAN mirror going these days is the regretable descission of some (not top be named here) people regarding the topic "Mirrors are a thing of the past, we'll do everything in our power to curtail the use of CPAN mirrors". That has unfortunately caused the cpan shell to have a somewhat worse support for local mirrors.

    It's been some time since i last my local mirror, but it boiled down to having extra steps to configure the cpan shell, and running (if i remember correctly) into problems with signatures. In that instance, i ended up running a patched version of the cpan shell that disabled some security checks...

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