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Re: Curses-based applications?

by vkon (Curate)
on Nov 02, 2024 at 18:20 UTC ( [id://11162568]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Curses-based applications?

speaking on Turbo Vision, there is an excellent revitalization effort and port throuughout all the main platforms

I built it and was really amazed to see it running really cool directly and throughout ssh.

I am going to implement perl bindings to it.

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Re^2: Curses-based applications?
by choroba (Cardinal) on Nov 02, 2024 at 19:33 UTC
    That's a fantastic project! Good luck with your effort, too.

    map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
Re^2: Curses-based applications?
by etj (Priest) on Nov 04, 2024 at 09:15 UTC
    Good luck from me also! If you felt like it, I'd be very open to a pull request switching PDL::IO::Browser (a Curses interface in C/PDL::PP for looking at n-dimensional arrays) to a Perl Curses module.
Re^2: Curses-based applications?
by oodler (Sexton) on Nov 05, 2024 at 08:34 UTC
    Very cool, please let us know if you do!
        I wrote a blog post! Is that a useful level of detail? I can write more if you like it.

        All my examples are pure C, which get a little more convenient if you're doing it with C++.

        I loved the old Borland products, and I used Turbo Vision in the form of SETEdit for a few years in college, and it would be awesome to have it for Perl!

        I have some advice for the XS... but too much advice for here. I might write a blog post...

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