I hardly do any pmdev stuff, because working on the one-and-only live system makes me queasy.
I don't think that's why. You as a developer can't modify the live system, you only submit patches. I modify the live system. And I do it a lot. You don't need to worry about it.
On the contrary: I'd love to see you and the other pmdevils submitting lots of patches. It is completely safe to do so.
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> I wonder what this money is going to be used for.
Check Running grants - The Perl and Raku Foundation to get an idea.
map{substr$_->[0],$_->[1]||0,1}[\*||{},3],[[]],[ref qr-1,-,-1],[{}],[sub{}^*ARGV,3]
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... like changing the way we store passwords or replace the 1990's chat system backend ...
I personally believe that a better solution to our current woes is to develop PerlMonks 2.0.
Please see this thread for further discussion on this topic.
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I personally believe there's no point. It's the 11th of February and there's 5 posts in Seekers Of Wisdom from February and 34 in total this year so far. 3 meditations, 1 CUFP, no obfuscation since last April, 1 poem this year, none last year, 3 in 2023.
1984 was supposed to be a warning,
not a manual!
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