Hello all, I was trying to restore access to my old account here, and no emails were received to gmail.com. I created a new account with gmail.com address, and also received no confirmation message. Then I created an account using mail.yandex.ru and received email there but it went to spam with a complaint about SPF records. Here are some headers of that email message:
Received: from vps918.pairvps.com (vps918.pairvps.com [])
by mail-nwsmtp-mxfront-production-main-63.sas.yp-c.yandex.net (mxf
+ront/Yandex) with ESMTPS id 2VgJ7ADH6Sw0-9Wqm3IlP;
Sat, 07 Dec 2024 13:31:04 +0300
X-Yandex-Fwd: 1
Authentication-Results: mail-nwsmtp-mxfront-production-main-63.sas.yp-
+c.yandex.net; spf=softfail (mail-nwsmtp-mxfront-production-main-63.sa
+s.yp-c.yandex.net: transitioning domain of perlmonks.org does not des
+ignate as permitted sender, rule=[~all]) smtp.mail=nore
X-Yandex-Spam: 4
Is it a known problem perhaps?