Perlmonks offers all of everything you just requested. You just have to review decades worth of valuable posts within this site to put the pieces together.
You've been here going on nine years, and you can't even figure out how to break apart a paragraph?
You want to put fellow Monk's posts next to an ad? Are you fucking kidding me?
Nine years and you can't grasp that we do our work here out of the goodness of our hearts, for people who want to learn Perl. Figure out your weather by going outside. Get your ads by watching TV. Get your stock quotes by calling your broker. If you want a do-everything app, build it with the knowledge you've gleaned from Perlmonks for nine years.
Perlmonks isn't an everything-aggregation app. The knowledgeable monks on this site can easily direct you to be able to put all of what you're requesting together, but not without you showing significant effort, and asking specific questions about the issues you're having building such a thing.
When you've built the front-end for all of these widgets, let us know details of specific problems you face code-wise, and we'll help fix them.