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Re^7: Curses-based applications?

by vkon (Curate)
on Jan 03, 2025 at 18:32 UTC ( [id://11163543]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^6: Curses-based applications?
in thread Curses-based applications?

thanks for the code samples, I'll reuse those.

Now after I've looked again into the "magic" part of your blog post, I've realised that this mechanic is implemented in addition to classical perl OO (or Moo or whatever else OO), and not a replacement to it, as I erroneously initially thought.

This will provide more safety when interchanging pointers.

Good idea. 99.9% that I will implement it.

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Re^8: Curses-based applications?
by NERDVANA (Priest) on Jan 03, 2025 at 21:28 UTC
    Yeah! Maybe I should have started with the description that what it's doing is just stuffing an extra C-struct into the back-end of a Perl object, and you can still do whatever you like with the Perl-facing side.

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