Re: Modern PerlMonks in Best Nodes
by jdporter (Paladin) on Jan 20, 2025 at 04:24 UTC
That's my bad. I created that node
by cloning an existing tutorial
(this one)
and then I converted it to a alphafaqlet.
It didn't occur to me that it would keep the rep
of the source node.
I will correct that.
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Re: Modern PerlMonks in Best Nodes
by Corion (Patriarch) on Jan 19, 2025 at 11:24 UTC
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Modern PerlMonks belongs to the class:
- Authorized Readers: cabal(usergroup)
- Authorized Creators: SiteDocClan(usergroup)
- Authorized Updaters: default(owner)
- Authorized Deleters: SiteDocClan(usergroup)
Not sure what an alphafaqlet is, I suppose it's an sitefaqlet still under construction.
Apparently this one was created on January 14th by jdporter
But it's only readable for monks belonging to an admin group.
And even us can't vote here.
I doubt those nodes should even be considered for best nodes.
Took a look into the code of best nodes, but wasn't able to identify a clause restricting the node's class .
I wouldn't mind if this was a temporary glitch, but a node with rep 93 will be listed for a year and provoke questions.
A quick and dirty solution could be to just delete the reps in the DB.
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"Tough beans" here, too.
Also, FYI, your link by node ID does a super search rather than linking to the node directly as I assume you intended. (For a direct link to the node, it looks like you need to change "node" to "node_id" in the URL.)
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Re: Modern PerlMonks in Best Nodes
by karlgoethebier (Abbot) on Jan 20, 2025 at 11:37 UTC
Can't someone finally delete this nonsense? And to play around with would probably not be bad either. Together with the subterranean performance lately, it doesn't make a good impression - as it is at the moment.
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While code and data are inextricable, as they currently are, a proper, independent dev/staging environment is tricky or impossible.
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