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Re: Make Love, not war...

by damian1301 (Curate)
on Sep 17, 2001 at 23:59 UTC ( [id://112942]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Make Love, not war...

  • That's not a peace sign, that's an upside-down mercedes bens sign.
  • All of your "obfuscations" all do the same thing - get numbers and convert them to text using chr. It has been done and it is getting really old.

UPDATE: I understand that I shouldn't have been so negative and should've encouraged you instead. I am honestly sorry. To get you going on a better track try looking through some obfuscation reviews by japhy


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Re: Re: Make Love, not war...
by virtualsue (Vicar) on Sep 18, 2001 at 15:17 UTC
    Side note: There have been a number of variations of the so-called 'peace sign', and at least one of them looked like the one in this thread, either because it was yippie-influenced or because it corresponded to the 2-finger peace 'gesture', or maybe both.
      well, when i saw damian's reply, i though 'huh, he might be right' then i searched a little bit, and, they are actually, different version of 'the' peace sign...

      Thx for your reply.

Re: Re: Make Love, not war...
by Anonymous Monk on Sep 18, 2001 at 00:52 UTC
    • I agree with your first (despite your horrendous spelling of "Benz")
    • Give Asmo a break. OK, so s/he likes chr. Someone piss in your cereal this morning?
    This ain't the first time you jumped on some newbie. You ever think it's your attitude that's getting really old, you little weasel?
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