Thanks for all the help, people. In order not to violate Merlyn's copyright I am not going to repost his code here, but I wonder whether perhaps his article contains a typo.
Line 55 reads "=55= my $out = IO::File->new($DIR_html,"w") or
Shouldn't this line actually be "=55= my $out = IO::File->new($URL_html,"w") or
If someone could verify the correct code for me I would appreciate it. | [reply] |
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Yes, Merlyn, but I became confused and not as a result of anything you wrote.
In fact, you do say in the article "URL_html contains the same name as $DIR_html, but mapped into the webserver's space so that we can redirect the client's browser to the results file."
The lesson here is that every static web page has a dual nature. It possesses a physical path in the file system, and it possesses a URL under the http protocol.
Clearly, it would have been a mistake for me to attempt to try to pass a URL to IO::File->new, which is what my proposed "correction" would have done.
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