in reply to Re: VERSION section in POD
in thread VERSION section in POD

Looking at this more closely, it appears to always link to the info about the latest version instead of the version "in hand".

Still, this is interesting.

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Re^3: VERSION section in POD
by jandrew (Chaplain) on May 20, 2016 at 20:58 UTC

    RonW you are correct that the links as shown will always give the latest versions. It is possible to hard code the versions and links to their repos into each badge. See the perl version badge for an example that does just that. is a pretty flexible resource for a lot of things in that area. If you do that you're back to the the original issue of having to hand roll the versions in the pod or use a tool like the one suggested by choroba++ (perl-reversion). All/most/(all the good) Pod readers explicitly strip dynamic code for safety. This includes anything that would import the value for the $VERSION variable. I think that perl-reversion or something like it is a good idea I just went down a different path. I suppose my initial post was mostly responding to the part of the OP that asked how other people handle version in their pod. I don't have any compelling reason to say my way is best practice. It's just the way I do it. I suppose that with some work and a parser you could have both hard coded badges and text versions posted I just never went that far. TIMTOWTDI!!