#! perl -slw use strict; use Time::HiRes qw[ time ]; use Data::Dump qw[ pp ]; sub receive{ my $n = join '', map 1+int( rand 9 ), 1 .. 9; chop $n if rand() < 0.1; $n .= 1+int( rand 9 ) if rand() > 0.9; return $n; } $|++; our $SAVE //= 0; our $LOAD //= 0; our $SRAND //= 0; srand( $SRAND ) if $SRAND; our $N //= 1e5; my( $knowns, $deletions, $insertions, $transformations ) = ( chr(0)x125_000_000, chr(0)x12_500_000, chr(0)x1_250_000_000, chr(0)x125_000_000 ); my( $known, $new, $deletion, $insertion, $transformed ) = (0) x 5; if( $LOAD ) { open BIN, '<:raw', "$0.bin" or die $!; { local $/ = \1_250_000_000; $insertions = ; } { local $/ = \ 125_000_000; $knowns = ; } { local $/ = \ 125_000_000; $transformations = ; } { local $/ = \ 12_500_000; $deletions = ; } close BIN; $known = unpack '%32b*', $knowns; } my $start = time; for ( 1 .. $N ) { printf STDERR "\r%10d\t", $_ unless $_ % 1000; my $received = receive(); if( length( $received ) == 9 ) { if( vec( $knowns, $received, 1 ) ) { print( "$received matched a known number" ); ++$known; next; } elsif( vec( $transformations, $received, 1 ) ) { print "$received matches a known number with a substitution."; ++$transformed; next; } } elsif( length( $received ) == 8 ) { if( vec( $deletions, $received, 1 ) ) { print "$received matches a known number with a deletion."; ++$deletion; } next; } elsif( length( $received ) == 10 ) { if( vec( $insertions, $received, 1 ) ) { print "$received matches a known number with an insertion."; ++$insertion; } next; } ++$new, vec( $knowns, $received, 1 ) = 1; ## new number for my $pos ( 0 .. 8 ) { my $copy; vec( $deletions, substr( $copy = $received, $pos, 1, '' ), 1 ) = 1; ## add all possible 1-digit deletions to their index vec( $insertions, substr( $copy = $received, $pos, 1, $_ ), 1 ) = 1 for 1 .. 9; ## add all possible 1-digit insertions to their index my $digit = substr( $received, $pos, 1 ); vec( $transformations, substr( $copy = $received, $pos, 1, $_ ), 1 ) = 1 for 1 .. $digit-1, $digit+1 .. 9; ## all poss 1-digit substitutions } vec( $insertions, $received . $_, 1 ) = 1 for 1 .. 9; ## all possible insertions after last digit. } printf STDERR "From %d received there were: %d new; %d known; %d deletions; %d insertions; %d transformations.\n", $N, $new, $known, $deletion, $insertion, $transformed; printf STDERR "Numbers processed at a rate of %.f/second\n", $N / ( time() - $start ); if( $SAVE ) { open BIN, '>:raw', "$0.bin" or die $!; printf BIN "%s%s%s%s", $knowns, $deletions, $insertions, $transformations; close BIN; } __END__ C:\test>\Perl22\bin\perl.exe 1172842.pl -N=1e7 -SAVE > null 10000000 From 10000000 received there were: 8116086 new; 86155 known; 0 deletions; 9459 insertions; 0 transformations. Numbers processed at a rate of 4082/second C:\test>\Perl22\bin\perl.exe 1172842.pl -N=1e7 -SAVE -LOAD > null 10000000 From 10000000 received there were: 7963211 new; 8364929 known; 0 deletions; 24187 insertions; 0 transformations. Numbers processed at a rate of 4218/second