flieckster has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

hello, I'm wondering the best way to proceed. I'd like to check a directory for files, then wait for a period of time, then check the directory again and compare the first count to the second count. If it changed, sleep again, compare until the reading are equal.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w use File::Basename; use POSIX qw(strftime); my $time = strftime("%r",localtime); my $dir = "/Users/flieckb/Desktop/testing/2push/"; chdir( $dir ) or warn "$!"; (@dir_files) = glob "*"; my $dircount = @dir_files; if (@dir_files > 0) { print "$time there are @dir_files files\n"; sleep (10); (@dir_files2) = glob "*"; if (@dir_files != @dir_files2) { $equals = 0; print "$time there are @dir_files files\n"; print "$time there are @dir_files2 files\n"; } else { $equals = 1; print "$time there are @dir_files2 files\n"; } }