corfuitl has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:

Hi all

I have the XML document below and I would like to update some nodes according to a list.

Here is the XLM document:

.... <unit id="3Ojs1SLwMmEHK8mJ0_dc2:43”> <titleEN>{3&gt;19&lt;3}</ titleEN > <titleFR>{3&gt;19&lt;3}</ titleFR > <alt-title origin="tilte"><otherTitle/></ alt-title> <alt-title origin="price"><otherPrice/></ alt-title> </unit> ....

and here is the code:

use XML::LibXML; my $parser =XML::LibXML->new(); my $tree =$parser->parse_file($xml); my $root =$tree->getDocumentElement; my ($application_id_node) = $root->findnodes('//file/body/group/unit/a +lt-title/otherTitle/text()'); $application_id_node->removeChildNodes(); $application_id_node->appendText('new value');

How is it possible to update the below node?

<alt-title origin="tilte"><otherTitle/></ alt-title>

so that it should be

<alt-title origin="tilte"><otherTitle>new value<otherTitle></ alt-ti +tle>