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Re: Cannot coerce from Bool to Str

by tobyink (Canon)
on Sep 08, 2018 at 20:39 UTC ( [id://1221959]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Cannot coerce from Bool to Str

As per choroba's answer, coercions are only triggered if the value fails the type constraint, and "1" is a valid string.

You could use Enum["yes","no"] as your type constraint instead of Str.

use 5.026; use Test::Most; { package Thing; use Moose; use Types::Standard qw( Bool Enum ); has delete => ( coerce => 1, is => 'ro', isa => Enum->of(qw/yes no/)->plus_coercions( Bool, q{ $_ ? +'yes' : 'no' } ), ); } { cmp_methods( new_ok( Thing => [ delete => 1 ] ), [ delete => 'yes' ], 'attributes are coerced as expected', ); } done_testing;

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