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Pelr packer pp with -C fails else okby dkhosla1 (Sexton) |
on Oct 04, 2018 at 16:58 UTC ( [id://1223540]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
dkhosla1 has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Background: The issue is happening on only 1 system which is very strange. Other systems with the exact same OS (RedHat 7.2) and same binary don't see this issue. By default, I am using '-C' (--clean) 'pp' option to build the packaged binary. On this system, when running it, it got the "Can't locate File/ in @INC .." type error. See below. Since other systems were not having this issue, the package must be there. But just to make double-sure, I compiled with "-M File::Temp". It did not fix the issue. So then to see if it really was missing, I compiled without the '-C', and it worked! No issues. Any ideas? Here is the full output - none of the output is from mytest itself
pp -v -> PAR Packager, version 1.041 (PAR version 1.015)
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