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Re^4: Pelr packer pp with -C fails else ok

by dkhosla1 (Sexton)
on Oct 06, 2018 at 00:17 UTC ( [id://1223611]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re^3: Pelr packer pp with -C fails else ok
in thread Pelr packer pp with -C fails else ok

No, I don't call 'system perl' anywhere and the command is:

pp -C -M Net::OpenSSH::ShellQuoter::POSIX -M arybase -o mytest

Yes - the first line is coming from somewhere outside my code. It almost seems like some race condition where the cleanup is happening before any code can execute (or it did but by the time it did some cleanup had already occurred..). The par-temp directory does get created and is empty as expected. Removing the -C works like a charm.

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Re^5: Pelr packer pp with -C fails else ok
by swl (Parson) on Oct 06, 2018 at 06:59 UTC

    It could be a race condition where the PAR temp dir is deleted before your code has finished its cleanup or some other step in global destruction (which has no guarantee of order if I remember correctly), but it is difficult to have any certainty without seeing your code. You could put some feedback statements into an end block in your code to get a better sense of when the error is triggered.

    Maybe upgrading to the latest PAR::Packer will also help, but I don't see anything obvious in the change logs.

    In any case, I packed using the command below, and it generates and removes the temp dir as expected.

    pp -C -M Net::OpenSSH::ShellQuoter::POSIX -M arybase -o mytest.exe -e +"print join q{ }, @INC"
      To clarify, compilation with -C works fine on 30+ systems so far. It is failing like this only on 1 specific system. So I am trying to figure out why just on that specific system.

        It sounds like it could be an interaction with external process that is on that system but not the others. I've seen issues with file cleaners deleting some of the contents of the PAR temp dir during execution, and antivirus programs can quarantine files, so something like that might be the culprit.

        Sprinkling feedback throughout the program (e.g. printing @INC at startup and completion) to narrow down the point of failure would also be worthwhile.

Re^5: Pelr packer pp with -C fails else ok
by Anonymous Monk on Oct 06, 2018 at 00:42 UTC
    Why do you want to use the big C?
      Because I would prefer to not leave the folders lying around for easy browsing. Also, each time we put anew version (quite often) a new folder is created and old one not cleaned up. If it turns out that in some cases this functionality can break, then I'll consider not using it but this is the first time I have seen issues with it. Of course the easy answer is to not use 'C'; I am just prone to spending a little effort to see if I can figure out root causes :-).

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