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Re: Creating a tarball [SOLUTION]

by kcott (Archbishop)
on Feb 07, 2019 at 23:27 UTC ( [id://1229575]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Creating a tarball

My thanks to all who provided help and assistance with this. I now have a working test solution which I present below as this may be useful for others.

I used Path::Tiny, as originally shown by ++tybalt89, to generate the list of files for archiving. I needed to tweak the suggested code in a few places, as follows:

  • Path::Tiny's visit() method "Executes a callback for each child of a directory.". This meant that the parent directory wasn't added to the array for add_files(): easily fixed by preloading that array with the parent directory.
  • For my purposes, the contents of the directory structure was well known, so no filtering — based on file types, permissions or other characteristics — was required. In other situations, some filtering may be required: see ++tybalt89's and ++Tux' examples[1,2] for possible ways to achieve this.
  • I also needed to change directories to get the exact archive I wanted. This may not be necessary in other circumstances. Note the use of the autodie pragma in a limited, lexical scope to handle problems with chdir and provide useful feedback if they occur.
  • Not an actual tweak required by this code, but use 5.016; was added because it mirrors the version I'm coding to for $work$ (and increases confidence that this won't have issues in my production environment). If you're using this code as a template, and not adding anything fancy, replacing that with a simple use strict; would probably be fine.

Here's the test script. Note that the directory structure under $src_dir is exactly the same as that presented in the OP.

#!/usr/bin/env perl use 5.016; use warnings; use Archive::Tar; use Cwd; use Path::Tiny; my $src_dir = '/Users/ken/tmp/test_arch/src'; my $zip_dir = '/Users/ken/tmp/test_arch/zip'; my $top_dir = 'fred'; my $zip_name = 'fred.tar.gz'; my $zip_path = path($zip_dir, $zip_name); { use autodie; my $cur_dir = getcwd; chdir $src_dir or die; my @tar_files = ($top_dir); path($top_dir)->visit( sub { push @tar_files, "$_" }, { recurse => 1 } ); my $tar = Archive::Tar::->new(); $tar->add_files(@tar_files); $tar->write($zip_path, COMPRESS_GZIP); chdir $cur_dir or die; }

A sample run, as well as various checks, are in the spoiler:

— Ken

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