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Re: Name Space

by BooK (Curate)
on Nov 04, 2001 at 16:30 UTC ( [id://123175]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Name Space

Back in 1994, I didn't have a nickname, like the others in my engineering school. I felt I had to have one, to sign my articles in the school paper. Plus it was cool to have one.

Since I loved books, and had grown a rather long goatee beard, I chose "BooK" (capital "B", capital "K"), whith the following explanation: "En anglais ça se prononce 'bouc', et en français ça veut dire livre.". Which you could translate as: "In English it pronounces 'bouc' (goatee in English), and in French, it means 'book'".

Naturally, the goatee didn't last, since several girlfriends had me cut it and not grow it back. But most of my friends know me by this name, and I am quite used to it.

I just have to be quick when a new online service opens, to be the first one to registrer my nick. This is the reason why I wish I had chosen a less common word for a handle!

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Re^2: Name Space
by Ea (Chaplain) on Jul 03, 2006 at 10:11 UTC
    Pour fin, je sais! After wearing your Amsterdam obfu on a t-shirt for a year, I started thinking it was a syllabic transliteration of bouquet, implying that you were a florist friar (a great joke, poorly told)

    as for my own nick, I was full of myself at the time and I get the feeling it's too obscure to look like anything other than some initials or a dodgy games house.

    perl -e 'print qq(Just another Perl Hacker\n)' # where's the irony switch?

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