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Re: Re: Invoking a perl program via an executable c++ program...

by BigJoe (Curate)
on Nov 15, 2001 at 01:15 UTC ( [id://125424]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: Invoking a perl program via an executable c++ program...
in thread Invoking a perl program via an executable c++ program...

I am brushing up on my C/C++ and I am trying to run Perl scripts to do some stuff in my C/C++ program. So what I am wondering how does system in C/C++ allow you to capture the output of that script? Or do I need to keep digging into popen? Thanks


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Re: Re: Re: Invoking a perl program via an executable c++ program...
by trantor (Chaplain) on Nov 15, 2001 at 02:35 UTC

    popen is really much simpler than what you think, just have a look at the manpage.

    If you want to use system, keep in mind that it does not return the output of the program you want to run, but since the command is interpreted by the shell you can actually redirect stdout and/or stderr with something like:

    system("command -options args > outfile");

    and then read outfile

    A third, much more exciting alternative, is to play with pipe, fork, dup, exec and do yourself what popen does. After this, you'll treat shell writers with much more respect :-)


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