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by sfink (Deacon)
on Dec 04, 2001 at 23:30 UTC ( [id://129417]=user: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

I like stats.

I am currently working at Reactrix, which I only mention because we fairly often have open Perl-related positions in the Silicon Valley area, and we seem to have a lot of trouble filling them. I'm starting to feel like decent Perl programmers are so hard to find that we should perhaps be considering snake worship instead. So if you're looking for (or open to considering) a new job, and you think of yourself as at least a "decent Perl programmer", then drop me a line. I'm a developer, not a recruiter, but my opinion carries a lot of weight with our recruiter. And I know people in other companies who are having trouble finding Perl people too.

Yes, I know about No, it hasn't been very helpful.

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