Not sure where to put this as it's not obfuscated, but this is my first attempt at writing a program that parses in two different languages. Specifically, this Perl program compiles as C code under Cygwin with:
gcc hel2.c -o hel2 -Wall -ansi
I'm embarrassed by all of the cheap preprocessor instructions in there. It seems like a cop-out.
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef _FSTDIO
#define $i i
#define sub
#define main int i; int main
sub main() {
sub main();
for ($i=0;$i<5;$i++)
printf("Just another Perl hacker,\n");
#ifndef _FSTDIO
Okay, not very good. Shoot me :) Since I did specify -ansi on the command line of the C compiler, I expect that this will work on any C compiler.
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