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Re: Re: CGI or Apache Problem?

by BigJoe (Curate)
on Jan 19, 2002 at 08:25 UTC ( [id://140042]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Re: CGI or Apache Problem?
in thread CGI or Apache Problem?

Yes I am running mod_perl. Do you know if there is something I can set to not allow this?


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Re: Re: Re: CGI or Apache Problem?
by perrin (Chancellor) on Jan 19, 2002 at 09:20 UTC
    You can use Apache::PerlRun, which clears globals for you, or you can fix the problem in your script.

    I see at least one possible cause of the problem. Your sub HANDLE_PRODUCTS() is referring to the variable $email_body, which is a lexical declared outside the subroutine. That creates a closure, and this sub keeps a private copy of that variable from then on. The best way to fix this is to pass a reference to $email_body into the subroutine instead.

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