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Re: Web Site Monitoring, a few tips you might like.

by rah (Monk)
on Feb 16, 2002 at 17:20 UTC ( [id://145876]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to Web Site Monitoring, a few tips you might like.
in thread Web Site Monitoring

OK Let's try this again. Thanks to all of you for your replies. Lot's of good pointers and items I had already considered. Since my replies don't seem to be staying with the right subthread, I figured I would write this one.

  • Netsaint sounds good, and may get me up and running quickly
  • I would still like to write something using LWP or HTTP::WebTest
  • I appreciate all of the tips, even the contradictory ones. I recognize that is how the real world works and that your providing these tips is a dangerous thing to do, since you don't know my apps or environment.

To all who replied, thanks. If I end up building something, I'll post it so you can "rip it to shreds" :> -Rich

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Re: Re: Web Site Monitoring, a few tips you might like.
by IlyaM (Parson) on Feb 16, 2002 at 22:58 UTC
    You can combine usage of Netsaint and power of Perl and LWP or HTTP::WebTest. As grep have said you can write Netsaint plugins in Perl.

    It is quite good approach. Netsaint gives you powerful monitoring framework which provides messaging, web interface, ready to use plugins for many services, etc and LWP or <shameless plug>even better HTTP::WebTest</shameless plug> gives you ability to write very complex tests which can cover all functionality of your web applications.

    BTW one user of HTTP::WebTest have sent me a script - plugin for Netsaint which uses HTTP::WebTest to test websites. I don't feel it is generic enough to make it public but if you want I can email you it. Drop me email to if you need it.

    Ilya Martynov (

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