to generate a list of installed modules after upgrading 5.6.0 to 5.6.1. I had lifted the snippet of the perldoc code for this module and was using it to verify installed modules/versions. Last night after getting CPAN running (thanks to my network guys poking holes in the router access lists). I upgraded my core perl install from 5.6.0 to 5.6.1. I made sure to tell config to include my previous libs in @INC, and I can access them fine. However, my modlist script only finds the ones that were built with the version of perl I run it with. If I change the shebang to point at 5.6.0 all of my previously installed modules are listed (but none of the new ones). If I use 5.6.1, only the modules installed after it are listed.
I know this has to do with the .packlists, and that there is another Extutils package that can manipulate them, but I was just wondering if anyone could explain, why Extutils::Installed can't follow @INC and find all of the .packlists? Do I need to hack my .packlists to make this list tool work again?