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Crypt::OpenPGP suitable for production?by rah (Monk) |
on Mar 14, 2002 at 03:06 UTC ( [id://151589]=perlquestion: print w/replies, xml ) | Need Help?? |
rah has asked for the wisdom of the Perl Monks concerning the following question:
Anyone know if Crypt::OpenPGP is suitable for use in a production environment? We have one client that bought the PGP Software commercial version (pretty steep for a free standard). My company seems to think a "supported" 3rd party product is the way to go, even though there is so much of our code wrapped around the commercial stuff, the vendors are almost never any help. But I digress. This will use PGP to encrypt email that gets cranked out at a pretty good pace. We have a perl script that filters whether delievery should be by email, ftp, FAX, etc. I'm thinking it would be reasonably simple to plug OpenPGP into this at no cost. Is it (Crypt::OpenPGP) robust enough? Are the PGP standards standard enough that we'll be compatible with what's on the other end (and beyond our control). Thoughts/comments would be appreciated. TIA, Rich
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