I have been helping the author of CGI::kSession write an updated pod, and as a result, offered to add an example of usage. Someone might find it useful (who knows how long before it hits CPAN...)
Sessions, URLs, and Cookies
use strict;
use CGI;
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
use CGI::kSession;
use CGI::Cookie;
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $last_sid = $cgi->param("SID");
my $c = new CGI::Cookie(-name=>'SID',-value=>$last_sid);
my ($id, $key, $value);
my $s = new CGI::kSession(path=>"/tmp/");
print $cgi->header(-cookie=>$c);
print $cgi->start_html();
if ($last_sid) {
# note: the following I used for mozilla - your mileage ma
+y vary
my $cookie_sid = (split/[=;]/, (fetch CGI::Cookie)->{SID})
if ($cookie_sid) {
print "<b>We are now reading from the cookie:</b><p>";
$id = $s->id($cookie_sid);
print "The cookie's id: $cookie_sid<br>";
print "Here's the test_value: ".$s->get("test_key")."<
} else {
print "<b>We are now reading from the URL parameters:
$id = $s->id($last_sid);
print "Last page's id: $last_sid<br>";
print "Here's the test_value: ".$s->get("test_key")."<
} else {
print "<b>Here we will set the session values:</b><p>";
$id = $s->id();
print "My session id: $id<br>";
$s->set("test_key", "Oh, what a wonderful test_value this
print "Here's the test_value: ".$s->get("test_key")."<br>"
# note: the first click will set the session id from the URL t
# second click will retrieve a value from the cookie
print "<a href=".(split/\//,$0)[-1]."?SID=$id>Next page</a>";
print $cgi->end_html();