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Re: csv output

by oubiwann (Sexton)
on Mar 15, 2002 at 06:19 UTC ( [id://151916]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to csv output

Hey everybody, maybe we need to lighten things up a little bit in here?

Toni, first thing: relax :-)
Second, there's more than one way to do it ;-)
Third, maybe we could be more helpful if we know what you are trying to do, what your limitations are, etc.

For instance, do you need to use Excel? Are you open to another method? What programs are going to be accessing the CSV?

This was not a slam on Toni! I was trying to make this person feel more comfortable in all the tension... I should have been more clear. Perhaps I should have said "first thing, it's all good :-)"

It's just that there's this Tibetan guy I know and he is always laughing and saying "relax..."

It's all good.

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Re: Re: csv output
by oubiwann (Sexton) on Mar 15, 2002 at 06:52 UTC
    You know, I find this absolutely incredible:

    I was given a negative marking on this post!

    Is this not a community of Fellowship? Should we not work together to better ourselves? Was my intention not clearly one of helpfulness?

    Why then, the need to lash out? Why can't it be a hand of friendship instead of a hand that seeks to damage?

      Perhaps its because you told Toni to chill out. Toni hasn't posted a single node in this thread except for the original question....
        Then I was completely misunderstood. Look at the threads here - people were criticizing each other's methods. Here's what I was trying to say:

        Hey Toni, it's all tense in here; people are treating this like life and death - when you read this, don't let it reflect on you or your question - just relax, take it with a grain of salt, and come back to us.

        It was precisly for the reason that s/he hadn't posted that I wanted to make this person feel welcome. Was the nature of my post such that it made sense for me to say "hey, man - chill out"? It didn't seem that way to me.

        And now. without waiting for any clarification on my part, I have been given another -1. Does this thing have a monitor? This is just craziness.

        Thanks for all the responses guys, must admit, i'm a little scared here, didn't mean to wind any one up.
        I guess I should have been a lot clearer from the start. I apologise.
        This is what i'm doing.
        I'm running a microsoft query and I would like to save the file as a csv as I may need to load the contents into a database at some point.

        The code I posted was just a snippet of the program. The only area I am having problems with is the save command which refuses to save as a csv.
        I have looked at the microsoft documentation and tried diff. variations according to the documentation, all to no avail. Again my only issue is with the line that does the save.
        $excel->Application-> SaveAs ({ FileName:="c:/remedy2.csv",FileFormat:=xlCSV }) or warn("Couldnt save file: $!\n");

        Thanks again everyone


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