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Re: OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X

by jehuni (Pilgrim)
on Apr 03, 2002 at 10:30 UTC ( [id://156276]=note: print w/replies, xml ) Need Help??

in reply to OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X

The procedure explained in this post to the mailing list worked for a colleague of mine who runs 10.1 on his PowerBook.


IMHO, this is not really off-topic. It does have to do with Perl, after all.

  • Comment on Re: OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X

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Re: Re: OT Post: Help building 5.6.1 on MacOS X
by rah (Monk) on Apr 04, 2002 at 01:37 UTC

    That is the workaround I described in my OP. It get's me much further along the build process, but it still blows up later when it rms "other" makefiles (maybe those used for building the core PMs?). In any event I end up with a partially completed build.

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